104: Ash Wednesday Quiz

A free quiz on Ash Wednesday to test your knowledge of the Catholic faith.

What is Ash Wednesday?

A) The first day of Lent


B) The last day of Lent

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C) A day to celebrate Easter

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D) A day to celebrate Christmas

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Question explanation

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, which is a 40-day period of fasting, prayer, and reflection in preparation for Easter.

What do people do on Ash Wednesday?

A) Go to Eucharistic adoration

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B) Go to church and receive ashes


C) Pray the Seven Sorrows rosary

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D) Celebrate Mardi Gras

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Question explanation

On Ash Wednesday, people go to church and receive ashes on their forehead in the shape of a cross. The ashes are made from burning the palms that were blessed on Palm Sunday the year before.

What do the ashes represent?

A) Jesus and the Apostles

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B) Sorrow and repentance


C) Love and kindness

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D) Baptismal promises

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Question explanation

The ashes represent sorrow and repentance for our sins. When the priest puts the ashes on our forehead, he says, "Remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return." This reminds us that we are all mortal and that we need to be sorry for our sins.

Why do people receive ashes on Ash Wednesday?

A) To renew their confirmation

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B) Because it is required by Canon law

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C) To remind them to be sorry for their sins


D) To get a blessing from the priest

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Question explanation

People receive ashes on Ash Wednesday to remind them to be sorry for their sins and to prepare themselves for Lent. The ashes are a symbol of penance and humility, and they remind us that we need to turn away from our sins and turn towards God.