
What is the significance of the vine in the decoration of the early Christian catacombs?

A. It represents the Greek god Dionysus

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B. It symbolizes the blood of Christ

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C. It suggests the thought of Christ as the true vine


During what period did Christian art undergo transformation and development, and what changes were made during this time?

A. The first century after Christ, characterized by impressionist or "illusionist" style

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B. The period of persecution, characterized by the deliberate exclusion of pagan elements

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C. From AD 313 to the end of the fifth century, characterized by the introduction of biblical scenes and the figure of Christ


What is the difference between the early Christian use of symbolism in art and the later use of symbolism in religious art?

A. The early Christian use of symbolism was primarily meant to hide distinctive practices, while later use was to convey deeper meanings


B. Early Christian symbolism was often veiled and cryptic, while later symbolism was more straightforward and obvious

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C. Early Christian symbolism was purely decorative, while later symbolism was meant to inspire devotion in the viewer

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