108: Laetare Sunday Quiz

A free quiz for Catholics about Laetare Sunday.

What is Laetare Sunday?

a. The first day of Lent

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b. The middle Sunday of Lent


c. The last day of Lent

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Question explanation

Laetare Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Lent, which is considered to be the middle of the season. It is also known as "Refreshment Sunday" or "Rose Sunday".

What special signs of joy are permitted on Laetare Sunday?

a. The use of flowers on the altar, and of the organ at Mass and Vespers


b. The use of fireworks during Mass

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c. The wearing of colorful costumes by the priests

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Question explanation

On Laetare Sunday, the Church allows for some signs of joy to be used during the Mass and Vespers services. These include the use of flowers on the altar, and the use of the organ. Rose-colored vestments are also allowed instead of purple.

Why is Laetare Sunday different from the other Sundays of Lent?

a. Because it is the last Sunday before Easter

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b. Because it is a day of fasting and abstinence

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c. Because it is a day of restrained rejoicing


Question explanation

Laetare Sunday is a day when we are called to rejoice but restrainedly. This is symbolized by the use of rose-colored vestments and the permission to use some signs of joy during the Mass and Vespers services. The contrast between Laetare and Lent's other Sundays helps us appreciate the joys of this life, while still recognizing that we are in a season of penance and preparation for Easter.