More on Penance (for kids)

A free video lesson and quiz with ideas for penance during Lent for Catholic kids!


What is penance?

A. A way to show God that you are happy for your sins

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B. A way to show God that you are sorry for your sins


C. A way to show God that you are proud of your sins

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Question explanation

Penance is a way to say sorry to God for the things we did wrong. It's like when we apologize to our friends or family when we hurt their feelings. By doing penance, we show God that we are sorry for our mistakes and want to make things right.

How can you start doing penance?

A. By ignoring your sins

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B. By pretending that you didn't commit any sins

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C. By examining your conscience and realizing what sins you have committed


Question explanation

To start doing penance, we need to think about the things we did wrong and how we can make up for them. This means looking at our thoughts, words, and actions, and figuring out what we need to do to make things right. Once we know what we did wrong, we can go to confession and a priest will help us figure out how to make up for our mistakes.

What are some common forms of penance?

A. Eating a lot of food

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B. Watching TV all day

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C. Saying prayers, doing spiritual exercises, and reading religious texts


Question explanation

When we make mistakes, we can do things to show God that we're sorry and want to be better. This is called penance. We can say prayers, read religious books, do things that make us feel closer to God, or do something nice for someone else. The important thing is to find a way to show God that we're sorry and want to do better.