What is Passiontide (for kids)

A free video lesson and quiz for Catholic kids on Passiontide!

For Parents: This lesson is for educational purposes and uses historical information from the Catholic Encyclopedia from 1909, so some information may seem outdated. To learn about current liturgical practices in your diocese, check your local bishop's website.


What is Passiontide?

a. A week of celebration leading up to Christmas

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b. Two weeks of mourning and remembrance leading up to Easter


c. A week of fasting and prayer leading up to Pentecost

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Question explanation

The two weeks between Passion Sunday and Easter in the Catholic Church are called Passiontide. During this time, the church observes some special practices and rituals.

Why are crosses, statues, and pictures of Jesus and the saints in the church covered with a violet veil during Passion Week?

a. To symbolize the Church's sorrow for the suffering and death of Jesus Christ


b. To protect the images from dust and dirt

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c. To prepare for a special ceremony on Easter Sunday

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Question explanation

The violet veil is a symbol of mourning and penance, representing the Church's sorrow for the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

During Passion Week, why are the statues of the saints in the church also covered with a violet veil?

a. It is a way to honor the apostles who followed Jesus during his lifetime

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b. To show respect for Jesus Christ, who is hidden during this time


c. It is a reminder of the end of the Lenten season

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Question explanation

The statues of the saints are also covered during Passion Week to show respect for Jesus Christ, who is hidden during this time, and to symbolize the Church's sorrow for his suffering and death.