Who is Saint Gabriel the Archangel? for Catholic Kids

Who is Saint Gabriel the Archangel? for Catholic Kids


Who is Gabriel in the Bible?

A) A prophet who foretold future events

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B) An angel who communicated important messages from God


C) A king who ruled Israel

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Question explanation

Gabriel is an angel in the Bible who communicated important messages from God, such as the births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. He appeared four times in the Bible, notably to Daniel to explain visions and to Mary for the Annunciation. He is a messenger of God.

How is Gabriel portrayed differently in Christianity and Judaism?

A) In Christianity, Gabriel is seen as a punisher, while in Judaism, he is portrayed as merciful.

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B) In both religions, Gabriel is seen as a comforting, merciful figure.

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C) In Christianity, Gabriel is known for being comforting and in Judaism, he is known for punishing the wicked.


Question explanation

In Christian tradition, Gabriel is seen as a comforting angel who helps people feel better and communicates God's important messages. In contrast, Jewish traditions sometimes portray Gabriel as the one who punishes the wicked, as in stories where Gabriel helps destroy Sodom, a wicked city.

Who visited Saint Joseph in Christian tradition?

A) Archangel Michael

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B) Archangel Raphael

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C) Archangel Gabriel


Question explanation

According to Christian tradition, Archangel Gabriel visited Saint Joseph, presumably to foretell the birth of Jesus Christ, as Gabriel was known to communicate major events from God. Gabriel also visited Mary and told her of Jesus' imminent birth. Thus, Gabriel played a central role in both the Annunciation and the Nativity narratives.