110: Why Do We Veil Statues?

The Mystery of Veiling Statues During Lent
In churches, as Lent nears its end, a special tradition unfolds—statues and images are covered, veiled in secrecy. Why do we do this? Let's uncover the meaning behind this custom of veiling statues during Lent.
In the United States, on the fifth Sunday of Lent, crosses, and images are hidden from view until Good Friday and the Easter Vigil. This tradition, mentioned in the Roman Missal, holds deep significance for those who observe it.
The Catholic Church encourages us to see this veiling period as a time to prepare for the joy of Easter Sunday. Though it may seem strange at first, covering these symbols helps us eagerly anticipate the upcoming celebration. By hiding what we usually see, we're invited to reflect more deeply and appreciate their beauty.
In the quiet church, the veils serve as reminders that we're entering a special time. These weeks before Easter call us to get ready for the Sacred Triduum—Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. The veils gently prompt us to prepare for the important days ahead.
As we journey through this time of veiling, we feel a growing excitement, like waiting to open a surprise gift on Easter Sunday. Each day brings us closer to uncovering the hidden statues and images. Our curiosity builds as we eagerly await their unveiling.
At the core of this practice is a simple truth: things hidden will be revealed. Just as the statues are unveiled before the Easter Vigil, we're reminded of our journey on earth. We live in a world where things aren't always clear, but through Christ's saving grace, the unclear becomes clear, revealing the beauty around us.
This custom isn't just for churches—it can be embraced at home too. By covering important religious pictures with a veil, families can pass down this beautiful tradition to their children, making this time of year more special for all.
And that's the essence of veiling statues during Lent—a journey of anticipation and revelation. If you have questions or want to delve deeper into this topic, reach out to your parish priest or a trusted spiritual advisor. Until next time, may you be forever blessed.
1. Please read the question carefully. 2. Think of an answer. 3. Click to check the answer.
Why are statues and images covered during the final weeks of Lent?
To help believers prepare for Easter by focusing on heaven and creating anticipation.
What book allows for the veiling of crosses and images in churches during Lent?
It's a practice mentioned in the Roman Missal, which is the official liturgical book of the Catholic Church.
What does unveiling statues before the Easter Vigil symbolize?
It symbolizes revealing hidden beauty, reflecting how salvation through Christ clarifies our view of the world.
Can we cover religious statues and images at home as well?
Yes! We should cover religious images at home because it is a good tradition that can help make the season more meaningful.