106: Quiz on Easter Liturgy

What is the origin of the word "Easter"?

A) From the Hebrew word "pesach"

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B) From the Latin word "Pascha"

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C) From the name of a Teutonic goddess, Estre


D) From the Greek word "anastasimon"

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Question explanation

"The English term, according to the Ven. Bede (De temporum ratione, I, v), relates to Estre, a Teutonic goddess of the rising light of day and spring, which deity, however, is otherwise unknown, even in the Edda (Simrock, Mythol., 362); Anglo-Saxon, eâster, eâstron; Old High German, ôstra, ôstrara, ôstrarûn; German, Ostern."

What did the First Council of Nicaea decree about Easter celebration?

A) To follow the Jewish method of celebrating Easter

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B) To celebrate Easter on a fixed date

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C) To observe the Roman practice throughout the Church


D) To celebrate Easter on the Sunday after the Jewish Passover

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Question explanation

"The First Council of Nicaea (325) decreed that the Roman practice should be observed throughout the Church." This meant that Easter was to be celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.

Which of the following was a ceremony held in the evening on Holy Saturday in some countries?

A) Commemoration of the Resurrection of Christ


B) Visitation of the Sepulchre

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C) Easter plays

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D) Solemn Second Vespers of Easter Sunday

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Question explanation

"The gap left in the liturgical services after the solemnities of the night had been transferred to the morning of Holy Saturday was filled in France, Germany, and in some other countries by a twofold new ceremony, which, however, was never adopted in Rome. First, there was the commemoration of the Resurrection of Christ."

What ceremony represents the victorious entry of Christ into limbo and hell?

A) The procession with the cross on Holy Saturday

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B) The singing of "Attollite portas" at the door


C) The Easter plays

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D) The Easter Vigil

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Question explanation

"The singing of 'Attollite portas' (Ps. xxiii) at the door symbolizes the victorious entry of Christ into limbo and hell."

What was the purpose of Risus Paschalis?

A) To make people laugh during Easter sermons


B) To bless food during Easter

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C) To play sports during Easter celebrations

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D) To play a game with eggs

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Question explanation

"Risus Paschalis originated in Bavaria in the fifteenth century. The priest inserted in his sermon funny stories which would cause his hearers to laugh (Ostermärlein), e.g. a description of how the devil tries to keep the doors of hell locked against the descending Christ."

What does the Easter rabbit symbolize?

A) Spring

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B) The Resurrection of Christ

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C) Fertility


D) The victory of spring over winter

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Question explanation

"The Easter Rabbit is a pagan symbol and has always been an emblem of fertility (Simrock, Mythologie, 551)."