102: Quiz on Holy Saturday
What was the original name of Holy Saturday?
A) The Angelic Night
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B) The Vigil of Easter
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C) Great Saturday
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D) All of the above
Question explanation
In the primitive Church, Holy Saturday was known by various names, including Great Saturday, Holy Saturday, Angelic Night, and the Vigil of Easter.
What was the significance of Holy Saturday in terms of fasting?
A) It was a day of feasting
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B) It was a day of partial fasting
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C) It was a day of absolute fasting
D) Fasting was not observed on Holy Saturday
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Question explanation
In the early Church, Holy Saturday was the only Saturday on which fasting was permitted, and an absolute fast from every kind of food was observed for the forty hours preceding the feast of Easter.
What was the original timing of the ceremonies on the night of the vigil of Easter?
A) They were held on Saturday morning
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B) They were held on Saturday afternoon
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C) They were held throughout the entire night
D) They were held on Sunday morning
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Question explanation
During the first six or seven centuries, ceremonies were in progress throughout the entire night, so that the Alleluia coincided with the day and moment of the Resurrection.
What was the common practice on the vigil of Easter?
A) To celebrate the end of Lent and penance
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B) To baptize catechumens
C) To read the Scriptures commentated by the bishop or priests
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D) To sing psalms and hymns
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Question explanation
The vigil of Easter was especially devoted to the baptism of catechumens who, in the more important churches, were very numerous.
Question 1: What are the main sources that directly attest to the fact of Christ's Resurrection?
A) The Four Gospels and the Epistles of St. Paul
B) The Four Gospels only
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C) The Four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles
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D) The Four Gospels, the Epistles of St. Paul, and the Acts of the Apostles
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Question 1 explanation
The main sources which directly attest to the fact of Christ's Resurrection are the Four Gospels and the Epistles of St. Paul.
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