108: Quiz on Pascal Tide
What is the period from Easter to Pencecost called?
A) Lent
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B) Paschal Tide
C) Advent
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D) Ordinary Time
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Question explanation
"The fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost are called by the older liturgists "Quinquagesima paschalis" or "Quin. laetitiae". The octave of Easter which closes after Saturday has its own peculiar Office. Since this octave is part and complement of the Easter Solemnity. Paschal Tide in the liturgical books commences with the First Vespers of Low Sunday and ends before the First Vespers of Trinity Sunday."
What is the name of the first Sunday after Easter?
A) Low Sunday
B) Exaudi Sunday
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C) Cantate Sunday
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D) Jubilate Sunday
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Question explanation
"The first Sunday after Easter is called the 'Dominica in albis', or Low Sunday."
What color is used for the Office de tempore during Paschal Tide?
A) Green
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B) Black
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C) Red
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D) White
Question explanation
"During the Paschal Tide, the color for the Office de tempore is white."
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